Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have gotten in the exercising mode. I have a friend come over and work out 3 mornings a week. It makes me do it, and I totally reccommend getting a partner. I have been weight training and I am just starting cardio. It's really good for my bone health too, which I have neglected and that's really bad. I am at a high risk for osteoporosis and need to take special care of them. It's good for my mentle health, although lately I feel like my life isn't under control. Nothing major, just don't have a grip on a routine and am falling short in responsibilities. Today, I plan on getting the laundry DONE. Is the laundry ever really done? At least caught up. We are out of underware. Not good:) ha ha
I have made a new friend lately and she is great (my exercise partner). It took me about a year to get to know people here. I feel like I am in the swing of things now, know people and have a good amount of associations. I am much more content with friends. I was happy the first year here, taking care of my home and little family, but I was a little lonely in the social area. So, life is good that way too. It's nice to have friends.
I am on another reading kick (maybe another reason I am falling behind in my responsibilities???) I have gotten a couple of "advanced reader copies" of unreleased books. My new friend and exercise partner, Sunni, works at a book store and gets a hold of them. One is called The 13th Reality. Pretty good.
I Spring cleaned my kitchen this week, trying to redeam my slackingness. I spent 8 hours on Monday in there! Whew! Big job, but it looks great! So, I am on my way to getting everything in order.


A. Schoonie said...

It is amazing how exercise can not only help physically but mentally. Even though I know the benefits I still find it challenging to be consistent at doing it?!?
That is cool that you can get advanced copies of books. Have fun reading!

Anonymous said...

em dog, i'm so proud of you! do you want to know the REAL secret to lose weight beside working out????!!! it will change your life!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!! As mom would say, "you go girl":) Things are always easier when you have someone relying on you too. Say hi to Sunni and Sadie Lou

Unknown said...

Emily, You sweetie poo! The feeling's mutual! Love you